Why is making change so difficult?

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Over the last decade plus I've been asking myself this question again and again. And ever so often i get the same answer – cos’ its difficult. Think of a surgeon operating on himself or herself. Most people would never find themselves in this position. Its easier to head to the hospital and willingly or unwillingly give of oneself to the professional. 

And once we are under, we let them take care of the necessary details that you know they are trained in. This is the basis of making life changes when there is no real fire under the bum, gun to the head or tiger chasing us. For all practical purposes, we don’t really need to change – whether its our own behaviour with our spouse, family or even friends. They accept” us or worse yet tolerate us till we get unbearable J therein lies the firing pin that is missing to make changes willingly and well before we need” to.

It’s only a rare breed who sees the need to change their lives and want to make the change stick. They are willing to go and keep going till they get the results they know they had plotted in their internal devices. And till they get the results they are unwilling to stop, NO MATTER WHAT!
Which brings me to the other half of this breed – what do they do when they finally feel the pan heating up, can almost taste the shrillness of the constant rebuke and know that they must” change. They being with all true intentions but like a lot of us around March or maybe the second week of Jan realise its easier to sit in front of the TV, droning out the voices that got them to take action in the first week. The images are looking dull and static probably – and they wonder where all the motivation” has gone!

Wouldn’t you want to build a system have a tool bag, a quick heal puncture kit to put the spring back in before it becomes a task again to rise up. Pick the voices, of the goosebump variety, seeing meself out there waking up daily before the alarm rings and slipping comfortably into shoes, drinking that coffee and hitting the road.        

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